Monday, June 16, 2008

This is all new to me...

The whole idea of blogging is something I have tried to stay away from... until now. People can find out WAY too much information about anybody on the internet. Just think: you update your status on Facebook and all of a sudden everybody can see what you're doing. Our engagement is so new to me, I expect it to be new to everyone else. On the contrary, my excitement to make a picture of the ring my profile pic on facebook ensured that everyone I have ever met and friended on facebook knows we are engaged.

So this whole blogging thing is new to me. And maybe this is where Caleb and I will post wedding updates as things are finalized. But maybe not.

Today is Monday, and I am procrastinating on my homework due tomorrow, but it's not yet 10 am. So I'm good for now.

And Wednesday I fly up to Jersey for a couple reasons: mainly because Emily is graduating high school, but also to talk to my parents face to face about that dreaded b-word: ...BUDGET.

As always, Caleb and I just ask that you keep us in your prayers. Right now things are good, but it is going to be a rough and exciting year ahead as I begin student teaching, Caleb finds out more from the police departments with which he has applied, we both find careers (as opposed to just jobs), and possibly move. Oh, AND plan a wedding.