Monday, November 3, 2008

Just to reiterate...

So... I know, I just posted last night. But I awoke this morning with no motivation to get out of bed and instead just got online. I was super excited that my favorite wedding blog, {Southern Weddings}, is back up! That prompted me to go in search of other wedding blogs, because, hey, if you're gonna waste some time, do it in style right?
Aaaand, I'm back. I wrote that much, and then got distracted because I had another blog loading in another tab and had to go read it. Anyway, I have garnered much inspiration today and it makes me wish we had an unlimited budget - but I cannot tell you how grateful I am to have one. Otherwise, I would go crazy with the number of things to keep track of! This way, I know when the money's out, we're done.
In reading others' blogs, I stumbled across this magnificent synopsis of wedding planning from Amy Frank of {with the pixie grin}: "i love planning my wedding. it's fun that i get to make every little decision on a day that reflects but that's just it. i have to make every little decision..."
As she says, that's just it. As I posted last night, the centerpieces have been the hardest decision for us thus far (aside from the unity candle, but that's a super long story not to be rehashed here). AND THEY ARE DONE! Aside from actually buying the stuff and putting them together, which ought to be the easiest part of the whole thing. The knowledge that we have decided on centerpieces is huge to me. HUGE.

Adding to the craziness that is this week, Obama is on campus today. Convenient for me, because you know I have class on less than half the days of any given week but he chose today, a day when I have class, to bring the Secret Service and create a parking nightmare. Not that I don't love Obama, but it's hard enough to find a $300 parking place on campus.
Rest assured, we will get through the week and I will get all my homework done (even if it means not sleeping!) and we will get through the rest of this semester, Lord willing. All to make it to next semester - when the wedding planning will get intense!!!

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